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End Native Forest Logging and Protect Kiwarrak Now!


    End Native Forest Logging and Protect Kiwarrak Now!

    Our precious public native forests and the endangered animals that call them home are under serious threat. They can’t take anymore industrial scale logging by NSW Labor’s Forestry Corporation. Our small but incredibly precious public forest estate has been smashed by intensive logging cycles for too long. Tearing down our forests is driving the extinction crisis - we must stop it. 

    Right now, Kiwarrak State Forest, home to one of the State’s few small wild Koala populations, that only just survived the black summer fires of 2019, is at risk of imminent logging. The Kiwarrak community needs your help to stop this. 

    NSW Labor’s Forestry Corporation is set to begin logging Kiwarrak this Friday 3 May, which is Wild Koala Day - the irony of this is palpable! While NSW Labor purports to care about the conservation of Koalas they continue to prop up the destructive forestry industry which decimates Koala habitat. 

    We can never forget the images of our precious Koalas in the flames of the black summer fires. We lost so many and those populations that did survive have not yet recovered. NSW Labor is funnelling tens of millions of dollars into building Koala hospitals, updating the Koala Strategy and planting seedlings, but none of this will prevent the extinction of Koalas in the wild. If we continue to log our precious public native forests, where Koalas are living now, these other measures serve as little more than a political red herring to the real issue driving koala extinction habitat destruction now. 

    The painful reality is that logging Kiwarrak State Forest will cost the public approximately $640,000 and generate a meagre $63,180. For just less than the price of a family home deposit, the Government could save Kiwarrak’s Koalas. 

    The staunch local community on the ground at Kiwarrak have been fighting to protect their local forest home. They recently submitted a very reasonable and modest proposal to turn part of Kiwarrak State Forest into a Flora Reserve which would protect the area from logging. 

    In March this year, the NSW Upper House passed a Greens motion with unanimous support calling on the Government to meet with the community and consider the proposal. 

    Last week, after no genuine engagement by the NSW Labor Government and with no reasonable explanation, this proposal was rejected. 

    The community of Kiwarrak has been let down by NSW Labor, but it is determined and resolved. They are not giving up, and neither am I, but we need your help. 

    Please send an email to the Minister for Environment, Minister for Agriculture and the Premier demanding they protect Kiwarrak now! 
