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Pages tagged "Media Release"


NSW Parliament votes on petition to end public native forest logging

The NSW Legislative Assembly will today debate on whether to take note of a petition to end public native forest logging. The petition, launched by NSW Young Greens Indigenous Officer Takesa Frank and the Nature Conservation Council, received more than 21 000 signatures which has forced the Parliament to a...


Greens introduce Bill to Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising

Greens NSW Upper House MP Sue Higginson has today given notice of a bill set to ban fossil fuel advertising in New South Wales. The bill entitled: Public Health and Safety (Fossil Fuel Advertising) Bill 2022, aims to introduce a tobacco-style ban for fossil fuel companies, citing public health concerns...


The NSW Government has failed to listen to the community on public native forest logging

The NSW Government response to the 21 thousand signatories of the petition to end native forest logging has been released today and has failed to recognise the considered calls for a transition plan that makes economic and ecological sense. This response has come on the same day as the tabling...


Youth Justice reveals cost of imprisoning children $713 940 per child per year

Youth Justice yesterday revealed in Budget Estimates hearings that the cost of holding youth in detention in NSW has risen to $1956 per child per day, totalling $713 940 per child per year. Across the six youth detention centres in NSW, 205 young people are currently in detention and of...


Scathing report by the Auditor General lays bare the failures of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme

The Department for Planning and Environment has fundamentally failed to design or implement an effective scheme for biodiversity offsets according to the NSW Auditor General who has today tabled the final report into the Effectiveness of the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme.


Attorney General Admits No Plan to Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility

Attorney General Mark Speakman has yesterday in Budget Estimates revealed the NSW Coalition Government will not be Raising the Age of criminal responsibility in this term of Government and children between the age of 10 and 14 will remain subject to terms of imprisonment.  


The Time Has Come to End Native Forest Logging on Public Land

More than 22 forest advocacy groups and community organisations came together from around the state over the weekend in Bellingen to make a plan for the end of native forest logging on public land in NSW. The groups are backed by the evidence of the economic and social potential of...


Failed biosecurity measures lead to risk of ongoing infestation of Varroa mite and increased use of potentially dangerous pesticides

Sentinel hives located around major ports such as Newcastle that are intended to detect invasive species have failed to stop the spread of the deadly Varroa Mite and the blame for this failure lies squarely with the Department of Primary Industries and the lack of professional and regular screening. There...


Lismore Mayor's position is untenable following his calls for Council to be sacked

Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg last night called for his own Council to be sacked and replaced with an autocratic administrator following the catastrophic floods that struck Lismore in March of this year. His calls for Council to be sacked come despite his council ticket winning a working majority at the...


Fundamental democratic right to protest under threat in NSW

Civil society and human rights organisations will assemble today at Hyde Park ahead of bail hearings for the Blockade Australia activists who were arrested during recent police actions that threaten the right to protest in a healthy democracy. New laws that were rushed into effect by the Liberal National Government,...