Pages tagged "Media Release"
Greater Glider uplisted to endangered status just 6 years after it was declared as vulnerable
The federal Environment Minister has today listed the Greater Glider as endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act just 6 years after it was first listed as vulnerable. The Greater Glider announcement follows the uplisting of the Koala from vulnerable to endangered in February of this year...
Small scale bee keepers in NSW must not be left out of any Government compensation as Varroa Mite spread worsens
Small scale and hobby apiarists must be included in any compensation plan for Varroa mite infestations in NSW and not just the large scale commercial operators and agribusiness. Non-commercial beekeepers provide vital pollination services throughout NSW and often at personal cost and should be supported by any Government grant that...
Vegetation changes in NSW point to an out of control land clearing agenda in NSW
Alarming new data shows that the NSW Government has lost control of land clearing in NSW with the annual clearing rates up 47% since the introduction of new land clearing codes in 2017. More than 500,000 hectares of land clearing was approved by the Liberal National Government between 2017 and...