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Cutting corners on Planning, Minns Labor Government set to reduce oversight as densification program begins

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Sue Higginson
NSW Greens MP
17 April 2024

8 March 2024 - The Minns Labor Government will push ahead with their plans to reduce senior executives in the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure despite their involvement with the unprecedented planning changes that the Government is commencing. 

The Transport Oriented Development State Environment Planning Policy (TOD SEPP) and the Diverse and Well Located Homes Program were designed by Planning staff that are on the chopping block. The reforms will see significant changes in density throughout all of NSW and will be an unprecedented change to urban environments.

Greens MP and spokesperson for planning Sue Higginson said “The Premier’s obsession with meeting election commitments is putting NSW at risk of one-size-fits all solutions that do more damage than good,”

“A blanket reduction of executive staff in Government Departments while also commencing sweeping changes is the perfect example of where competing priorities are incompatible and cannot be rushed through for the sake of political expediency,”

“The Department of Planning can least afford to lose their its most senior executives at a time when the Minister, Paul Scully, is rushing ahead with planning reforms despite multiple inquiries being underway,”

“It’s shocking that the people who designed these reforms will now be pushed out the door when their knowledge and expertise is most needed to ensure the reforms are seen through effectively and safely,”

“Reducing the public service and giving private developer focussed planning reforms is a distressing turn from a Labor Government. That these things are occurring simultaneously is beyond disturbing and should be reconsidered,” Ms Higginson said.

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Sue Higginson
NSW Greens MP
17 April 2024


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