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No Positive Plan for Nature - NSW Extinction Crisis will continue under Labor

The Government has finally released its long awaited and highly anticipated response to the Ken Henry Review - the five year statutory review into the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, tabled in August 2023.  The Henry Review final report provided damning insight into how current policy settings are accelerating species...

Damning interim-report into out-of-home care says nothing we didn’t already know

A damning interim-report from the Advocate for Children and Young People has laid bare - yet again - the extraordinary failures of the out-of-home care system in New South Wales.

Special delivery of Deputy State Coroner’s chilling findings to Minister for Police sound alarm bell for dire state of policing failure

5 April 2024 - This week the Coroners Court of New South Wales released its findings from the inquest into the death of Todd Mckenzie. Mr McKenzie was shot three times by police and died in his Taree home after experiencing a schizophrenic episode. The findings of the coronial report were...

NRL mentors announced in Government's “Project Pathfinder” PR stunt will not help divert kids from crime in regional areas

4 April 2024 - A new pilot program between the NSW Police Force and the National Ruby League (NRL) is being rolled out in Moree to tackle youth crime. The project was announced just weeks after the Minns Government’s controversial youth bail laws were passed in Parliament, making it harder for...

Community resistance to zombie development on hair trigger at Wallum

4 April 2024 - Hundreds of community members have descended at a zombie development site in the Northern Rivers this morning after reports that earth moving equipment was inbound to the site known as Wallum in Brunswick Heads. Despite thousands of people contacting the NSW Minister for Planning and the Federal...

Protest suppression laws review must involve public consultation

4 April 2024 - Greens MP and spokesperson for justice Sue Higginson said “These laws were and still are an attack on democracy and were supported by both Liberals and Labor to function as a direct suppression on the implied right to political expression in NSW,”

Temporary solution to Reconstruction Authority leadership

2 April 2024 - The NSW Reconstruction Authority is set to have a new Chief Executive Officer following the appointment of NSW Police Force Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon to the role. The current CEO, Simon Draper, will remain in his role as Secretary of the Premier’s Department.

Keli Lane now a political prisoner under contentious “no body, no parole” laws

22 March 2024 - Keli Lane has been denied parole under NSW’s new “No Body, No Parole” laws after the State Parole Authority stated it was unsatisfied in her cooperation with investigations. Lane has served more than 13 years in prison after being convicted of the murder of her baby on...

Minns defies civil society, expert consensus, crossbench, opposition, own government, to force through laws to jail children.

22 March 2024 - In an all night sitting of Parliament last night, The Minns Labor Government passed rushed, broad, and badly-drafted bail laws that will see vulnerable children and young people locked up.

Minns missing in action as Alternatives to Incarceration Report launched same day Youth Bail Laws move to the Upper House

20 March 2024 - Premier Chris Minns was missing-in-action today as the Alternatives to Incarceration Report was launched in the NSW Parliament. This groundbreaking report was released on the same day that the Labor Government’s controversial new bail laws, that would send more kids to prison, were introduced in the NSW...