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Greens call for immediate structural and procedural investigative reform in light of further evidence involving Senior Constable

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Sue Higginson
NSW Greens MP
17 April 2024

26 February 2024 - As further information comes to light regarding the double homicide of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies involving a police issued firearm last week, the case for systemic reform is revealed. The Greens are calling for an urgent independent  investigation and procedural reform.

Greens MP and spokesperson for Justice Sue Higginson said: “In light of the further evidence surrounding the double homicide investigation it is clearer than ever that current standard procedures in relation to firearms is failing our communities in the most egregious ways,”

“We now know that Mr Lamarre-Condon gained access to this state-issued firearm for a period of three days whilst on recurrent leave and sick-leave. It should never have been admissible for a Senior Constable with a history of assault to access deadly-weapons under these circumstances,"

“Two men have lost their lives in the most tragic and avoidable set of circumstances. These deaths could have been avoided. We now need an urgent and immediate independent inquiry into the police use of force and weapons, followed by the disarming of general police until appropriate recommendations from this inquiry are released and followed,”

“We must stop police investigating police, it does not lead to accountability or improvement, it diminishes integrity and trust in our policing system. When police investigate police they fail our communities and it is this system that has failed Jesse Baird and Luke Davies. The issue of firearm security and procedures is a live and ongoing issue that has been raised in previous inquiries. We cannot keep giving away accountability mechanisms to the systems which enable such acts of violence. Police have no business investigating police. If we hope to change the circumstances that have led to these tragic fatalities we must drastically change the way these investigations occur,”

“Urgent structural and cultural reform is needed within the NSW Police Force. The current excessive force policing model and impunity of officers backed in by a self serving system of investigation and accountability is a culture that allows police officers such as Mr Lamare-Condon to maintain access to deadly weapons and it must change,” 

“There must also be a recognition from the Government that many members of the community, especially those who have been historically overpoliced and failed by the police, such as the LGBTQI+ community, simply do not feel safe reporting threats to these bodies. The Government must do more to ensure that there is a safe reporting avenue for threats of violence and that these reports are taken seriously.” Ms Higginson said. 

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Sue Higginson
NSW Greens MP
17 April 2024


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