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Establish the whole Great Koala National Park

    Establish the whole Great Koala National Park

    The NSW Minns Labor Government is finally preparing to announce a Great Koala National Park on the Mid North Coast - we need to make sure that the Park they announce is the full area, and that it is fully protected.

    The National Parks Association first proposed the Great Koala National Park and it included 176,000 hectares of our precious public forests - this is the Park that Labor promised to NSW. Unfortunately, we know that the NSW Labor Party and Government are captured by corporate interests and see sacrificing the environment as just part of doing business. It’s sick.

    The native forest logging industry in NSW have put a new proposal to the Minns Labor Government that would only protect 37,000 hectares of our public native forests! We need to tell Labor that we will not accept their logging friendly version of our Great Koala National Park, the one Koalas need if they are to have a fighting chance against becoming extinct in the wild.

    Now is our last chance to tell the Premier and Minister for the Environment that they must make the Great Koala National Park, the one that was promised, the one we all need. 

    At this critical time, please call these Labor offices, demand that they meet their promise, and establish the full Great Koala National Park - with an immediate end to the logging that they have let continue in these precious forests.

    Take these two simple actions to safeguard our park:

    1. Call the office of the Premier and Minister for Environment with the script below.
    2. Personalise the email action and send after you get off the phone.
    3. Keep calling until the park is instated in full!

    Premier’s contact:

    02 7225 6000

    Minister for the Environment’s contact:

    02 9230 2741 

    What to say when you call

    Introduce yourself. 

    • Tell them who you are, where you live (i.e. that you’re a constituent of NSW). 
    • You might want to mention what you do for a living, or your interest in conserving biodiversity. 

    Explain why you’re calling: 

    • Let them know that you, like many other concerned citizens, want to see Labor take real and genuine action on biodiversity and climate. 
    • NSW Labor promised to instate the Great Koala National Park. 
    • They have delayed this election promise for 18 months now, all the while logging it to pieces. 
    • Now, there is a risk of it falling far short of the National Parks Association proposal of 176,000 hectares.

    Ask for Action:

    • You can ask multiple questions. For example:
    • “I understand the GKNP is about to be announced” –
    • "Will the announcement ensure the GKNP is instated in full, and with full protections?"
    • “How many hectares will be included in the National Park?”
    • “Are the decision makers aware of the National Parks Association proposal of 176,000 hectares for this park?”
    • “Does the Premier’s Office intend to instate the Great Koala National Park in full, or will Labor cave to logging interests?”
    • Ask that the person on the phone note down your concerns and pass them on to the decision makers.

    Support your Asks:

    • Koalas are on track for extinction by 2050. We need the Great Koala National Park in full to protect our iconic species.
    • Logging within the parameters of the proposed Great Koala National Park has become more intensive since Labor were elected.
    • NSW Labor promised the people a GKNP. They have a chance to properly fulfil this promise and deliver for biodiversity and the environment. 
    • 176,000 hectares is the needed area to form the Great Koala National Park and protect our threatened species. Anything less than this is a massive blow to integrity and Premier Minns and this Government will be remembered for this political failure personally.
    • Our Native Forests are our best defence against the climate crisis. Labor must step up and commit to protecting our public native forest estate and end native forest logging immediately. 

    Thank them for listening:

    • Politely thank them for their time. If you haven’t emailed them yet, let them know you will follow up with an email.
    • Personalise our template to ensure the highest impact.
    • Include a direct ask and response in the email.

    Let us know if you receive a response by emailing:

    • [email protected]
    • Understanding the interactions you get will help us to tailor these actions in the future.

