Santos' Pilliga Gas Project is a dead-end for domestic gas supply
The announcement by the Australian Government that they will introduce price caps and reservation policies for domestic gas production is welcome news to the NSW community who are living with unmanageable cost of energy prices and who have been fighting against toxic and unnecessary gas projects.
The east coast gas market has more than enough supply for the domestic market and should be reserved for use by industries and communities as a priority to reduce the impact of prices that are a result of profiteering by the gas corporations.
NSW Greens MP and spokesperson for mining, coal and gas, Sue Higginson, said “The announcement this week that the Australian Government is considering a reservation policy for Australian gas is a welcome announcement. Any guarantee that Australian gas will be reserved for domestic use must come with price caps that ensure our domestic supply prices are not being driven by energy profiteering following armed conflict around the world,
“This announcement should be the final nail in the coffin of the toxic Santos Gas Project that has been approved in the Pilliga Forest because any gas reserves that might be there are not needed to meet domestic demand. Kevin Gallagher and Santos have bought Premier Perrottet’s support with promises that this gas would be used to meet domestic demand but east coast gas production is well above any domestic demand and a reservation policy with price caps could ensure that our resources are used to support Australian industry and communities,
“Any new coal and gas extraction sites should not go ahead in the face of the rolling climate induced disasters. Indications about a reservation and price cap on coal and gas from the Federal Government show how quickly we can solve domestic energy issues when we stand up to multinational corporations that are making billions of dollars from these climate wrecking projects,
“The goal for any government right now should be responsibly planning the ultimate end of coal and gas for the sake of people, the environment and the planet. Premier Perrottet and his commitment to the Santos Gas Project is a dereliction of his duty to people and plants, he seems committed to being the Premier for profits before anything else and we need better,
“It should not be the role of NSW residents or government to underwrite Santos’ gamble on destroying the Pilliga Forest. The NSW Government should be speeding up the implementation of their renewable energy zones so that the energy crisis can be resolved without destroying more of the state with exploitative and poisonous fossil fuel projects,” Ms Higginson said.