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Tell the Premier: Protest is in Peril


    Tell the Premier: Protest is in Peril

    A new report from the Human Rights Law Centre (Protest in Peril) has laid bare the state of our protest laws. In the ACT and Victoria, protest is enshrined in the law as a human right. In NSW, the Labor Government drags Knitting Nannas through the courts for peacefully protesting, only to be told their laws are unconstitutional. It's a draconian nightmare.

    The report highlights a number of observable trends that have emerged over the last 20 years and calls out NSW as the state of greatest concern, which has enacted the highest number of anti protest laws in the last 20 years. Conversely, the ACT stands out for its commendable efforts on protecting the fundamental right to protest.

    Protestors who take to the streets can face up to two years in jail, a $22,000 fine, or both, and the legislation which was rushed through Parliament by the Liberal Government and NSW Labor, has been roundly condemned by over 230 civil society and human rights groups. Protestors have been targeted, searched, jailed and faced oppressive bail conditions, contrary to our fundamental right of political communication in this Country. 

    Tell the Premier and Attorney general to read this report: scrap the anti-protest laws and enshrine the right to protest in law!

    (You can the report in full here)
