Proactive policing is an abuse of power and racist
18 March 2024 - New reporting shows that First Nations people are almost 5 times more likely to be targeted for a body search in NSW than non-First Nations people despite police being no more likely to discover anything in either situation. The data shows that 90% of all proactive...
New bail laws will drive more cyclical crime; 500 justice professionals write to Premier Minns
18 March 2024 - More than 500 legal practitioners, community workers and academics working across the fields of law, criminology, social sciences and Indigenous studies have written to NSW Premier Chris Minns with grave concerns about the negative impacts of the Government’s plan to change bail laws in response to youth...
Strip searching children continues despite Minns’ review into the practice
19 March 2024 - Strip searching of children by the NSW Police and without guardians present has continued at the same rate as under the former Coalition Government despite the Minns Labor Government promising a review. Documents received under freedom of information laws reveal that the NSW Police have strip searched...
$45,000 fine for Forestry Corporation for unlawful logging
15 March 2024 - The NSW Forestry Corporation has been hit again for breaching environmental laws, this time with a $45,000 dollar fine for unlawful logging operations in Nadgee State Forest in the South and Bagawa State Forest in the North which was an operation that was personally inspected by Minister...
Environmental crimes set to see bigger penalties with a stronger regulator in NSW
14 March 2024 - The NSW Government is set to introduce stronger penalties for some environmental offences bringing them more in line with current costs, effective deterrence and community expectations. The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is set to be given more power to police environmental crime across industries and the state....
Go directly to jail; Minns Labor Government to throw more kids in prison
12 March 2024 - The Minns Labor Government is pushing through changes to bail and criminal laws that will result in more children being trapped in the criminal justice system and sent to jail. This is in defiance of the views of civil society, the International Convention on the Rights of...
Cutting corners on Planning, Minns Labor Government set to reduce oversight as densification program begins
8 March 2024 - The Minns Labor Government will push ahead with their plans to reduce senior executives in the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure despite their involvement with the unprecedented planning changes that the Government is commencing.
Gomeroi Traditional Owners win appeal against Santos’ Narrabri Pilliga Gas Project
6 March 2024 - The Federal Court of Australia has today, 6 March 2024, ruled that the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Santos Narrabri Pilliga Gas Project were not adequately assessed in light of the Gomeroi Native Title claim. The Court found that the negative impact of the project on...
Greens call for immediate resignation of top Corrections officers in light of damning Astill report released today
6 March 2024 - The report from an independent inquiry into the sexual assaults committed by former Corrections Officer Wayne Astill against female prisoners at Dillwynia Prison has today been released.
“I could do it tomorrow” - Attorney General boasts that he can, and will not, raise age of criminal responsibility.
6 March 2024 - The Attorney General could raise the age of criminal responsibility tomorrow, and will not, he boasted under questioning in Budget Estimates this morning.