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Land clearing in NSW threatens coastal and marine recreation as well as the environment

23 February 2023 - The Greens are joining calls from marine conservation and recreation groups to end the out of control rate of land clearing in NSW. The rate of land clearing has increased 13-fold in NSW since 2016 and is having a serious impact on coastal and marine environments. There...

Calls for a NSW Indigenous Commissioner for Country and 300 new frontline jobs for pest and weed control in NSW

23 February 2023 - The Greens are calling for a new Indigenous Commissioner for Country and a minimum investment of $37.5 million/year for 300 new full time equivalent positions in frontline weed and pest management programs. 

Unnecessary arrest of UNSW educator Cherish Kuehlmann was unlawful and an overreach by NSW Police to silence activist voices

23 February 2023 - The arrest of University of NSW student Cherish Kuehlmann last Saturday at her home in the middle of the night was an unnecessary and potentially unlawful use of police powers. The arrest followed a peaceful protest in Martin Place on Friday afternoon where a small group of...

Highway realignment will protect endangered remnant Grandpa’s Scrub

17 February 2023 - The NSW Government has today announced that the Coffs Harbour bypass section of the Pacific Highway will be realigned to avoid destroying the area known as Grandpa’s Scrub, a remnant patch of ancient rare and endangered rainforest that even astounded rainforest experts.  

Greens MP calls on the major parties to make Landcare funding commitment

14 February 2023 - Greens MP and spokesperson for the environment, Sue Higginson, has today called on both Labor and the Coalition to join The Greens and take a tripartisan approach to the NSW Landcare program and to deliver a $59 million funding commitment over the next four years.

Deadline for Glencore to Appeal Glendell Coal Mine Expansion Elapses

9 February 2023 - The deadline for fossil fuel giant Glencore to appeal the Independent Planning Commission’s (IPC) decision to reject their proposed Glendell Coal Mine expansion has now passed, marking an end to a decades long struggle by the Plains Clans of the Wonnarua People to protect cultural heritage...

Greens announce plan to end native forest logging in NSW

9 February 2023 - The Greens NSW have today announced their plan to end native forest logging and transition to a 100% sustainable plantation timber industry. 

As State election nears forest protestors halt logging operations again - raising the stakes to end public native forest logging in NSW

6 February 2023 -  Concerned members of the community up and down the North Coast of NSW have taken to the forest front lines and stopped logging and timber operations in 2 locations this morning. Logging and timber operations at Doubleduke State Forest, South of Lismore and Pencharts Herons Creek...

NSW Government must stand up to bullies in gas industry to stop unacceptable coastal gas exploration

3 February 2023 - The Federal Government has caved into demands from gas corporations to resume plans for seismic testing across 4574 square kilometres of NSW coastline under Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 (PEP11). The decision by the Federal Government to stop fighting against the exploration for gas just 50km from the...

Farmers threatened with gas exploration on critical agricultural land

1 February 2023 - Farmers and communities in the Gunnedah Basin and Liverpool Plains have again had to resort to blockade roads to protect some of the State's most productive farmlands from fossil fuel development. This week roads near Gunnedah were blockaded by the community as gas giant Santos continued their...